


+31 20 345 1763

Handweg 1
1185TS Amstelveen

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday from noon till 2:00 PM.
Tuesday to Saturday from 6 PM. till 10 PM.
Closed for holidays

April 27th until April 30th

July 21st until August 5th

October 27th until November 4th

December 27th until January 6th

Job openings

Do you also want to work in the kitchen or in the stylish ambiance of our two star restaurant?
Send your application to info@aandepoel.nl.

Would you like to join our service team?
We are looking for a nice and enthusiastic employee.
If interested, we would like to receive your motivation letter and CV.

In addition, we are always looking for:
* Independently working cook
* Future chef de partie